Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Veteran's Day Tour of Yamaguchi Day 1

11 November 2016

I've taken the opportunity over the last few years to use the long weekend to explore some of the country out my back door here in Yamaguchi prefecture.  Although I've discovered many of the routes within a hundred kilometer radius of Iwakuni once you get beyond that point it seems the options of finding new and interesting roads are endless.

Day 1 consisted of mostly familiar roads from Iwakuni to a campground just north of the Akiyoshidai karst plateau, distance 149 km.

Luckily the rain passed through the night before and I ended up having clear weather all three days of the trip.

The first flash of fall colors was this golden ginkgo tree 

Passing through the mountains of southwest Japan in early November can be hit and miss for fall colors, but seems there's always something that makes you stop for a closer look.  These contrasting maple and ginkgo trees over the torii made me pull over for a peak at the shrine.

In addition to exploring new roads my ulterior motive was to visit the brewery and restaurant, St. Remy de Provence a few kilometers south of Yamaguchi city.  The restaurant is modeled after a German chalet and they make their own sausage and brew a variety of unique (for Japan) beers.

When you have mug of stout and fresh baked pizza with local sausage to look forward to it makes the kilometers go by quickly.  I toyed with the idea of buying a couple of bottles to carry with me for the next two days but ultimately decided I really didn't need the extra weight.  I'll be back.

After my late lunch I had another 50 km to go and ended up riding into the campground after dark.  I did make it in before the onsen closed.  The campground at Akiyoshidai has a few cabins and many tent sites.  If  you're hiking or biking in the spots are 1000 yen ~ $10 (US) per night and if you want to soak in the bathes (and I don't know why you wouldn't) it another 400 yen.  The bath closes at 8 p.m.

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